Dijeta Hale Beri koja joj pomaže da ostane u top formi

Dijeta Hale Beri koja joj pomaže da ostane u top formi

Poznato je da je Hali Beri na keto dijeti i da je promoviše kad god joj se ukaže prilika. Evo šta tačno ona pojede za 24 sata i koliko napora mora da uloži da bi bila lepa i zdrava.

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Yay it’s #FitnessFriday and let’s start the year off by acknowledging the importance of a fitness partner. I challenge each of you to find a workout partner this year that will hold you accountable and support you in reaching your fitness goals. Your partner does not have to be a trainer, but it does have to be someone who is like minded and you both must be willing to push each other to the limit. And join us for today for our first #PHITtalks of 2019 as it’s all about staying healthy, focused and in-sync in your fitness journey. We touch on migraine relief, strengthening the immune system, and the benefits of MCT & CBD. Join us on stories & IGTV for more and have a beautiful #FitnessFriday!!

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Na osnovu slika koje Hali Beri deli svojim fanovima promovišući blagodeti keto dijete tačno se zna kako njeni obroci izgledaju u roku od samo jednog dana.

Evo šta ona mora da pojede da bi održela lepotu i zdravlje na zavidnom nivou.

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Walking into Monday like... @rosalia.vt ? #JW3 #Sofia

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Hali Beri za doručak pije smuti od zelja i repe, a kada smatra da joj treba još rada na sebi da bi izgledala kako želi jednostavno preskoči doručak.


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This #FitnessFriday is dedicated to the importance of stretching! After I work out, it’s important for me to stretch and lengthen. Fitness is not just about running, lifting and punching. For me, being athletic and super fit is also about being still, stretching and breathing. Including stretching in my fitness program helps my muscles stay long, limber, improves my mobility and range of motion and, most importantly, helps me avoid injuries. This is one of my favorite #yoga poses, the shoulder stand, that stretches my lower spine and legs. I feel 2 inches taller after this stretch! Some people use yoga poses to manage stress, increase circulation, for medication, recovery, better sleep, and mobility just to name a few. Check out my Fitness IG Story to see a stretch I like for hip mobility that lengthens my sides and for today's #keto meal. Today I challenge you to share your best yoga pose. If you don't have one, I encourage you to search for one, post about it, tag #FitnessFridayHB and tell me how it makes you feel. ❤️??

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Za ovaj obrok, Hali se najčešće opredeljuje za mešano povrće u kombinaciji sa tvrdo kuvanim jajetom.

Osim toga, na njenom meniju se može naći salata od tune; mlevena junetina ili ćuretina sa sirom, krastavcem i zelenom salatom; boranija u bolonjeze sosu.

Petkom uvek ima isti ručak u koji se ubraja biftek sa salatom od povrća koja je sastavljena od mešanog zeleniša, rotkvice, paprike i krastavaca.

Zatvoreno za komentare.