Fotografije najzanimljivijih venčanja koja su održavana u vreme koronavirusa

Fotografije najzanimljivijih venčanja koja su održavana u vreme koronavirusa

Ulazak u brak je sveta stvar zbog toga je niko ne bi trebalo pokvariti, ni loše vreme, ni mrzovoljni roditelji, pa čak ni kumovi koji kasne.

Our wedding was cancelled due to COVID-19. Yesterday, my son walked me down the aisle we created at our home in a ceremony that was beyond words! I wish all the luck and love to those brides and grooms having to cancel and reschedule their special due to this pandemic! from r/Weddingsunder10k

Ali karantin uzrokovan pandemijom koronavirusa promenio je način na koji su mnogi mladenci izrekli sudbonosno "da".

Od razvodjenosti na metar, bez dopuštanja ljubljenja mladenaca do postavljanja slika na stolice umesto zvanica sve su ovo stvari koje su obeležile venčanja u vreme koronavirusa.

Donosimo vam fotografije s najkreativnijih i najčudnijih karantinskih venčanja koja dokazuju da ljubav čini svet oko sebe ma koliko on bio haotičan.

U Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama za mart, april i maj zakazano je 450.000 venčanja, a samo njih četiri posto odlučili su da otkažu svoje ceremonije venčanja.

U 2019. godini, američko venčanje u proseku košta 33.900 dolara i uključuju troškove za verenički prsten, ceremoniju i svadbu.

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Congrats to these two.


Came across this wedding today in Central Park from r/aww


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My friends said “fuck corona”, washed their hands, got married, and live-streamed the whole thing so we could all celebrate with them. I’m just super excited for them and wanted to share a little sunshine for your day! from r/CoronavirusUS


They Placed A Laptop On A Stack Of Books, Then Got Married On Zoom from r/nextfuckinglevel


My mother-in-law set up a sweetheart table for my fiancée and I on what was supposed to be our wedding day. from r/MadeMeSmile


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Had to cancel the wedding but not the marriage. from r/pics


When the pandemic ruins your wedding, you find a beach and improvise! from r/pics

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