Čini se kao da ljubitelji pasa i mačaka nikada neće prestati da debatuju o tome da li su bolji jedni ili drugi.
Postoji uvreženo mišljenje da mačke nikada neće moći da budu verne svom vlasniku kao što su to psi. Istina je, ipak, da one jednako osećaju naše odsustvo i pomažu nam da se lakše nosimo sa stresom i napetošću.
S obzirom da smo sigurni da vlasnici mačaka vole svoje ljubimce jednako kao vlasnici pasa, danas vam donosimo neodoljive fotografije koje će porušiti sve vaše predrasude vezane za mačke.
My bf took this picture 10 minutes after I left for work from r/aww
The day I adopted Lulu. She was slated to be euthanized the following week, but through a local shelter I was able to adopt her in time. I love her so much. from r/cats
I’m not sure who loves who more. from r/cats
Got her yesterday, been inseparable for 24 hours!! from r/kittens
I’m sorry my bedroom isn’t the prettiest but This is my cat, Kiki. I have ptsd and get a lot of nightmares that make it difficult to sleep. But everytime I do, she goes right to my side and sit there all night to make sure I’m okay. If this is her I love you, I damn sure love her back from r/MadeMeSmile
I rescued a cat in 2020 that had been at the shelter for 11 years. They were worried she would be antisocial and not adapt to a home well after spending so long in a cage, but she's doing OK 🙂 from r/MadeMeSmile
I just want to say, I love my cat. She meets me at the door every day I come home from work for a big hug and then cuddles up in my lap to watch netflix and just be with me. I wake up near every morning with her cuddled up to me and I don't know what I did to deserve this kind of unconditional love. from r/cats
What can I say she’s smitten with him. from r/aww
My cat doesn't like to cuddle, and he's grouchy. But when my daughter came home a week after brain surgery he slept on her pillow for three days. from r/MadeMeSmile
This is the view we come home to every day. Not sure how long they wait, but they are there side by side as always from r/cats
Milly and me giving morning kisses 💕 from r/cats
Hadn't seen my little angel in over a year and was worried she'd have forgotten me. Instead she was the snuggliest she had ever been! from r/MadeMeSmile