Verovali ili ne, mnogi ilustratori su već u prošlom veku predvideli da ćemo u budućnosti pričati s ljudima preko telefona i istovremeno se gledati preko ekrana, ali i da će proizvodnja samovozećih automobila postati realnost.
Ovo su samo neke od vizija budućnosti koje su imali umetnici i ilustratori prethodnih dekada. Neke od njih su se ispostavile veoma tačnim, kao gore pomenute, dok su druge bile previše ambiciozne, kao što je, na primer, vizija letećeg gradskog prevoza, koju je osmislio jedan sovjetski ilustrator početkom ’30-ih.
Ako vas zanima kako su nekada ljudi zamišljali budućnost, pogledajte u nastavku i uživajte u zabavnim ilustracijama iz prošlog veka.
An artists depiction of the future, painted in 1930. from r/interestingasfuck
A Fifties navigation system. Don't know who imagined this but I love it! from r/RetroFuturism
Self driving cars of the future, circa 1960. from r/RetroFuturism
The future of phones, 1956 from r/interestingasfuck
1970s futuristic concept for jetliner air travel from r/interestingasfuck
1969 Japanese vision of the future classroom, the odd part is that included small robots to rap students on the head when misbehaving from r/RetroFuturism
Artoo Deco from r/RetroFuturism
Fashions of 1950, as predicted on the cover of Life Magazine in 1914 from r/RetroFuturism
Futuristic Road Trip with the Family (Bruce McCall) from r/RetroFuturism
Soviet vision of the future in the 1930s from r/interestingasfuck
Futuristic Netherlands, drawn in 1970 from r/RetroFuturism
1984 Smart watch. from r/RetroFuturism