Nemci su poznati po svojoj organizovanosti i praktičnom načinu razmišljanja.
Oni retko naprave nešto što će samo izgledati lepo. Svaka njihova odluka je proračunata i racionalna.
Ovakav pristup prisutan je u mnogim segmentima - od prevoza, preko načina na koji sade drveće, pa sve do saobraćajnih znakova.
Kako bismo dočarali svu praktičnost i organizovanost nemačkog sistema donosimo vam fotografije koje govore same za sebe.
Busses in Germany show a coffee when the driver is taking a small break from r/mildlyinteresting
Foto: wikimedia
Bench of inclusion - Bavaria, Germany from r/mildlyinteresting
"Oštećen kolovoz. Oštećena staza za bicikliste. Oštećen trotoar. Oštećen krov."
Deutschland in einer Nussschale from r/de
Trees that are planted sideways on a house, to safe space. They’re rotating thus they will grow straight instead of only upwards. New concept in a small city in Germany but idk how they handle with the roots. from r/interestingasfuck
Shopping cart cleaning machine in Germany. from r/mildlyinteresting
Crosswalk signals in Friedberg, Germany, the town where Elvis Presley served in the US army from r/interestingasfuck
This Self-Service powerwash dog cleaning station in Germany. from r/mildlyinteresting
A book vending machine outside a large bookstore in Aachen, Germany from r/mildlyinteresting
"Bee Food" (Flower seeds) Vending Machine in Calw Germany from r/mildlyinteresting
Large 5 star insect hotel in Germany (link to short tour in comments). from r/mildlyinteresting
Main train stations in Germany have brail information for platforms and stair count on the top and bottom of the handrails from r/mildlyinteresting
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