Danas stalno slušamo o novim izumima. Međutim, ranije smo o futurističkim kreacijama razmišljali samo nakon čitanja naučno-fantastičnih knjiga.
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Verovatno ste razmišljali o tome kako bi bilo zgodno imati džepove u večernjoj haljini ili kako bi bilo super da naše piće može duže vremena da ostane hladno. Ili ste možda oduvek želeli da imate prenosivu garažu? Pa, imamo nekoliko sjajnih vesti za vas: ovi snovi su se ostvarili!
Apsolutno oduševljava činjenica da kreativnost može da bude u savršenoj sinhronizaciji s tehnologijom i sigurni smo da ćete nakon čitanja ovog članka i tek kako ceniti moć ljudske mašte.
Inflatable Garage, protects vehicle from hail. Crosspost from /r/whatisthisthing from r/interestingasfuck
Microwave with built in toaster. The future is now. Mind blown. from r/pics
This Bluetooth shower speaker is powered by a micro hydroelectric generator from r/interestingasfuck
Ova tastatura svaki put prikaže brojeve po drugačijem redosledu, tako da niko ne može da shvati lozinku prema vašim pokretima ruku.
This keypad randomizes the numbers every time so someone doesn't figure out the password from your hand movements from r/mildlyinteresting
My cousin’s wedding dress from last night. It has its own pockets. from r/mildlyinteresting
Real time bathroom display in Taipei from r/mildlyinteresting
This hotels mirror tells the weather from r/mildlyinteresting
My pen lets me see how many pages I can write with the ink I have. from r/mildlyinteresting
This chocolate bar is divided into unequal pieces from r/mildlyinteresting
My hotel room had a white noise machine installed in the wall from r/mildlyinteresting
This mouse I found at my work has a Calculator on it. from r/mildlyinteresting
These lightsaber chopsticks. from r/mildlyinteresting
This labeled empanada from r/mildlyinteresting
I just noticed my backpack's chest strap is also a whistle. from r/mildlyinteresting
This cat backpack from r/mildlyinteresting
This airfilled pillow with a hat that I ordered online was shipped in. from r/mildlyinteresting
My multi-tool hair clip from r/mildlyinteresting
Reusable resealable cans at my local shop. UK from r/mildlyinteresting
This changing room mirror has different light settings to try your clothes in from r/mildlyinteresting
My dad has a cap with a solar powered fan on it. from r/mildlyinteresting