Ne može se svaki događaj objasniti logično, piše BrightSide i donosi galeriju smešnih fotografskih dokaza o neverovatnim, misterioznim i čudnim stvarima koje se događaju oko nas. Ovo su fotografije koje se ne mogu objasniti, šta god mislili.
Someone managed to crash their car and get it stuck in a tree in Malaysia.
Merry X mas from batman family reunion.
Just came back from lunch to this...FML from r/funny
...On second thought, I think I'll walk [FIXED]
No matter what I accomplish in my life, I will never be this awesome. from r/pics
This guy's haircut matches the lady's coat
Not sure what I found. But Camel.
Meanwhile, in New York...
Looks like Russians invented a time machine
The most interesting people you will see today
Private Parking Level: +9000
My sister and her cat share the same birthday, knocked out both gifts at once
My local Asian supermarket sells mega meat
[…] Izvor: […]