Ove fotografije svedoče tome koliko je velika moć transformacije. Iako neke od njih izgledaju potpuno nestvarno, ipak nije reč o Fotošopu.
Before and After I wear my fake eye from r/interestingasfuck
I took a month-long class called “Drawing is a Learnable Skill”. Here’s my self-portrait, before and after! from r/drawing
I rescued the cat off the street. Photos before and after. One year difference. 🙂 from r/aww
Before and after a bath 🙂 from r/aww
Before and after photos from donating my hair to Angel Hair For Kids, where they make wigs for kids battling cancer! My friend (who also donated his hair) and I have also raised over $8,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society! from r/MadeMeSmile
Before and After of deep cleaning my room after my depression slump from r/oddlysatisfying
It has been 4 years to the day since I had my scoliosis surgery. The surgery itself took 14 hours. Surgeons drilled metal straightening bars into my spine. These are X-Rays taken before and after the surgery from r/interestingasfuck
Abraham Lincoln Before And After The Civil War . from r/pics
Manila before and after quarantine: from r/pics
New york building before and after power washing from r/interestingasfuck
Picture taken before and after destruction of Berlin Wall from r/interestingasfuck
Viking axe before and after restoration from r/interestingasfuck