Zabavne optičke iluzije koje će vas naterati da ih pogledate dvaput

Zabavne optičke iluzije koje će vas naterati da ih pogledate dvaput

Autori sledećih fotografija možda nisu namerno želeli da one zbune svakog ko ih posmatra, ali hteli to oni ili ne, svojom kamerom su napravili svojevrsne optičke iluzije.

Giant soccer ball sitting on a rock wall. from r/illusionporn

U nastavku moći ćete, između ostalog, da vidite red kornjača koji podseća na krokodila, tortu sa isečenim parčetom koja liči na brod na otvorenom moru i glavu jednog tinejdžera koja izgleda kao sladoled u kornetu.

Holding that Ice cream from r/confusing_perspective

Mačka izgleda kao da nosi kožnu jaknu

My cat sitting on the back of my chair makes it look like she’s wearing a leather jacket from r/mildlyinteresting

Kuca sa ljudskim nogicama

My puppy with human feet! from r/confusing_perspective


Boat on a dark sea or a simple cake? from r/confusing_perspective

Ovi hokejaši imaju baš lepe noge

I don’t remember this being in hockey from r/confusing_perspective


Swan swallowing a mallard from r/confusing_perspective

Ovaj pas je baš dugačak

Does my long, flexible dog count? from r/confusing_perspective

Kornjače... ili krokodil?

Those are just baby turtles not a crocodile. from r/confusing_perspective


mix_N_match a cat from r/confusing_perspective

Ovaj gospodin zapravo grli jastuk

Just saw this at the airport, took me a couple minutes to realize he’s hugging a pillow from r/illusionporn

Leži na leđima?

A picture I took of a friend with nipples in his back from r/confusing_perspective

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