Maštoviti ljudi uvek uoče zanimljive detalje u svetu oko sebe, a ako uspeju to da pretoče u dobru fotografiju, ona će sasvim sigurno postati popularna.
This snowman air bubble in my soy sauce packet from r/mildlyinteresting
Bright Side donosi galeriju fotografija koje ćete morati da pogledate dva puta da vidite šta se zaista na njima nalazi.
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This painted door in Ikea from r/mildlyinteresting
This rock that looks like a half eaten potato from r/mildlyinteresting
this guy's sand drawing from r/confusing_perspective
my wife witnessed a miracle today & yelled across the house with an urgency that had me sprinting. I thought something terrible had happened but when i came into the kitchen she said: Look...
— Matthew Burnside (@MatthewBurnsid7) May 12, 2020
Cat Cat from r/confusing_perspective
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The ice looks like frozen lakes in this picture from r/confusing_perspective
A flower planter made from old tires from r/confusing_perspective
Fish out of water from r/confusing_perspective
These guys are not holding hands. from r/confusing_perspective
I, for one, welcome out new avian overlords. from r/confusing_perspective