Odavno svi znamo koliko su psi lojalna bića. Fotografije koje ćete videti u narednim redovima dokazuju da su psi zaista poklon za ljudsku rasu i najbolji čovekov prijatelj.
My daughter is home with a fever. Puppy therapy has commenced. from r/aww
Bright Side nas podseća da ljubav dolazi u svim oblicima i veličinama - i sa mekanim repom.
"Moja ćerka i pas čekaju da padne prvi sneg."
My daughter and dog checking out the first snow of the season
"Moja ćerka nakon lošeg dana u školi."
When she comes home from a long day at school, having a bad day, been told off or sad... She cuddles her best friend. from r/aww
"Pas mog novog cimera voli da se drži za ruke."
My new roommate's dog likes holding hands from r/pics
"Čekamo hranu."
My wife caught my daughter and my pitty both begging for food....tongues out. from r/aww
"Najbolji prijatelji."
My friend just texted "Adopted a dog yesterday".... with this pic from r/aww
"Moj tata je bio protiv toga da usvojimo psa, ali je ubrzo promenio mišljenje."
My dad was originally opposed to us getting a dog.. I think he changed his mind from r/aww
"Upoznao sam svog najboljeg prijatelja."
I met my best friend today from r/aww
"On obožava moju baku i nežan je sa njom."
Mitus loving grandma. He is sooo gentle with her but crazy hyper with anyone else!! from r/animalsdoingstuff
"Pas moje žene ne voli grmljavinu."
My wife's dog hates thunderstorms 🙁 from r/aww
"Moj sin i ovaj veliki mastif su najbolji ortaci."
My 1 year old kid and 150lb mastiff are best friends from r/aww
"Moj sin se mazi sa psom."
Just my dog spooning my baby. Nothing to see here.