Uočavanje očiju i lica na neživim predmetima potpuno je normalno. Ponekad se radi o antropomorfizmu, drugi put o pareidoliji, odnosno pogrešnoj percepciji neživih predmeta.
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Ali fotografije takvih pojava redovno privlače pažnju na društvenim mrežama.
BrightSide je prikupio galeriju fotografija koje ćete morati da pogledate malo bolje da vidite šta se na njima događa, a neke od njih mogle bi da vam izmame osmeh na lice.
1. Kamen koji izgleda kao da ima žile.
This rock looks like it has blood vessels. from r/mildlyinteresting
2. Gljiva ili Sid iz Ledenog doba?
I think it looks like Sid from Ice Age but my wife says E.T from r/Pareidolia
3. Mrlja koja izgleda kao planina.
This smudge on my glasses looks like a mountain from r/mildlyinteresting
4. Puna ili prazna?
Mug of coffee kind of looks like it's empty from r/mildlyinteresting
5. Izgleda kao da je pas zarobljen u drvu.
It looks like there's a dog trapped in this tree. from r/mildlyinteresting
6. Fontana.
This fountain in Azerbaijan designed to look like dandelions from r/mildlyinteresting
7. Optička iluzija.
Here kitty kitty... from r/Pareidolia
8. Oblaci.
These clouds look like a mountain range on the moon when viewed upside down from r/Pareidolia
9. "Nezreli šipak izgleda kao noćna mora."
An unripened pomegranate looks like a nightmare. from r/pics
10. Instalacija u Vinipegu.
This is not blurry. It’s what 1,254 bicycles look like. from r/interestingasfuck
11. Paprika.
Bell Pepper Fist from r/Pareidolia
12. Ptičji izmet.
Poop on my car looks like the ocean from r/mildlyinteresting
13. Tajming.
Took a picture of my daughter lighting a campfire it appears she is summoning the spirit of a unicorn from r/mildlyinteresting
14. Refleksija.
The reflection of my TV makes it look like Girl With the Pearl Earring is in my backyard from r/mildlyinteresting
15. Gljiva s otiskom jabuke.
A mushroom with an apple print from r/mildlyinteresting