Smeh nam je toliko bitan da su stručnjaci razvili terapiju smeha, meditaciju smeha, pa čak i jogu smeha! Možda će biti teško raditi jogu i meditirati dok se smejete, ali možemo isprobati neku vrstu terapije.
Posted on the door of a local real estate business. from r/funny
I potpuno smo spremni za to. Ljudi sa sledećih fotografija su savršeni "doktori" u tom slučaju.
"Moj pas ima 16 psećih godina. Mislim da je vreme da nauči da vozi."
My dog is 16, so I figured it’s time for some driving lessons from r/pics
"Očekujemo... da diplomiramo ove godine."
My grandma wanted some “creative” grad photos of my friend since we’re graduating at the same time. This was her least favorite from r/funny
"Poslao sam fotografiju svoje dece na pogrešan broj, i ovo sam dobio kao odgovor."
Sent picture of my kids (left) to the wrong number and their (right) response was.... from r/funny
"Moj brat koji ima 23 godine je odlučio da se ošiša i nabaci izgled starijeg čoveka."
My 23 Year Old Brother Decided to Shave His Hair and Beard so That He Could Look Like an Old Man... from r/funny
"Moj sin ima smisla za humor."
My son, the only boy in the house, is a comedian. from r/funny
"Sakrij pošiljku od muža."
Delivered a package this morning. Think I nailed it. from r/funny
"Plaćaju me da nameštam cevi, ne da pomeram kamenje."
They pay me to build pipes, not to move rocks. from r/funny
"Zamenio sam lica mog psa i mačke sa filterom."
I just faceswapped my dog and my cat from r/funny
"Moja ćerka je tražila da "poboljšam" njenu sliku kad je bila mala. To sam i uradio."
My daughter asked me if I could Photoshop and old pic of her to make it look better from r/funny
"Moja žena mi je rekla da cenzurišem lice našeg sina."
My wife doesn’t want our newborn son’s face posted on social media, so she asked me to censor over it. Needless to say, I won’t be asked to do that again. from r/funny