Ako ste rođeni ranih devedesetih, neke stare stvari koje su vama bile svakodnevne današnjim su klincima nepojmljive do te mere da bi mogli da pomisle da izmišljate dok im pričate o njima.
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Tviteraši su na internetu podelili neke situacije, navike i predmete iz svog detinjstva koje su danas stvar daleke prošlosti.
"Rekao sam grupi tinejdžera da sam morao da plaćam 10 centi po poruci na telefonu i sad misle da izmišljam."
told a group of teens that when I was their age we had to pay 10 cents per text message and now they think I’m a liar
— Jonathan (@jnthnwll) February 28, 2020
I asked my 7yr old cousin if she knew what this was and she said “I don’t know” 😂🙃 pic.twitter.com/Xs8OpLKFEC
— ☆ destiny rosa ☆ (@des_angelique_) February 26, 2020
"Gledala sam kablovsku sa svojim najstarijim sinom i krenule su reklame na šta je on rekao da ih preskočim. Objasnila sam mu da ne možeš preskočiti TV reklame. Rekla sam mu da moraš da platiš da bi i njih gledao, a on me gledao kao da sam luda."
Watching cable with my eldest son and a commercial comes on. He asked to skip it and I said you can’t skip tv ads. I then told him you have to pay to watch these too and he looked at me like I’m crazy
— Ty Morrow (@tymorrowgmailco) January 12, 2020
"Pitao sam četvorogodišnju nećaku šta je ovo, a ona je rekla - sapun."
Asked my four year old niece what this was and she said “soap” pic.twitter.com/QtSzQz1Yt4
— Greg Wyshynski (@wyshynski) October 20, 2018
I asked my 14 year old twin daughters if they knew what this was. They had no clue! LOL! pic.twitter.com/ZSnStRZh1r
— Dontmesswithme (@bloomcounty14) September 3, 2019
The 8-year-old I nanny asked me what this was and I’m feeling decrepit. pic.twitter.com/FPi5NNA2O1
— ashleigh (@AshStoneman) November 8, 2018
"Dao sam sinu iPod, i rekao mi je: "Ne sviđa mi se, ne radi"
I gave my old iPod to my son: “Daddy, I don’t like it because it doesn’t work” 🤷🏻♂️ pic.twitter.com/kW8GRjF1RD
— Fernando Torcelly (@Torcelly) April 25, 2019
I asked my six-year-old if he knew what this is. He said it is a tape player. And then he asked “how do you turn it on?” @MrTommyLand? 😂🤘#nocassettemoji pic.twitter.com/FsYq80vZ1f
— Jordan Miller (@TheJordanMiller) July 9, 2018