Postoji više razloga zbog kojih neko može biti neuredan. Nedostatak vremena, letargija, lenjost, čak i depresija mogu biti razlozi kada ljudi ne žele da počiste za sobom.
Moved into an apartment with a neglected shower drain... Really happy with the before and after!! Thank you カビキラー from r/CleaningTips
Ali neki ljudi su se "trgli" i rešili da okrenu svoj život za 180 stepeni. Portal Bright Side je izdvojio nekoliko takvih primera.
After 2 years of living here, I finally have a living room! from r/CleaningTips
I couldn’t handle how gross my sister’s tea kettle was from stove spatters. Some Bar Keeper’s Friend and a little elbow grease did the job! from r/CleaningTips
Someone on Reddit recommended Iron Out for hard water stained dishwasher in our new rental, one cycle and the results are amazing from r/CleaningTips
Before and after organizing refrigeration control wires from r/oddlysatisfying
BKF and elbow grease from r/CleaningTips
I got out of my funk and began with cleaning my kitchen... Finally. from r/CleaningTips
This might be the best before and after photo I've ever taken. Cleaning the garage. from r/pics
I can't believe I was able to push myself to do this. I am sooo relieved. from r/ICleanedMyRoom
I cleaned my way out of my depression nest so I could start the new year on a better (and cleaner) note. Here's to 2021! from r/ICleanedMyRoom